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Welcome to GEOL0069 AI for Earth Observation
Week 1
Introduction to Intelligently Reinforced Image Segmentation (IRIS)
Week 2
Introduction to AI/Machine Learning
Sea-ice and Lead Classification
AI/Machine Learning Implementation
Week 3
Data Fetching
Roll-out on a Full Image
Week 4
Colocating Sentinel-3 OLCI/SRAL and Sentinal-2 Optical Data
Unsupervised Learning
Week 5
Regression Techniques for Predictive Analysis
Creating Training Data from Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 OLCI Data
Application of Regression Techniques in Satellite Imagery Analysis
Week 6
Imagery Alignment: Introduction and Simple Examples
Images alignment on S3/S2
Creating Training Data from Aligned and Misaligned Imagery
Regression Application on Melt Pond Fractions (MPF)
Week 7
Introduction to Gaussian Processes
Introduction to GPSat
Week 8
GPSat Along-Track Interpolation
Interpolation of Sea Level Anomaly using GPSat
Sea Level Anomaly Interpolation Using GPSat (GPOD)
Finding Ocean Eddies using Satellite Altimetry: Part 1
Finding Ocean Eddies using Satellite Altimetry: Part 2
Week 9
Explainable AI
Explainable AI Part 2
Open issue