Creating Training Data from Aligned and Misaligned Imagery#

In this section, we illustrate a three-step approach to co-registering Sentinel-3 (S3) and Sentinel-2 (S2) data on a sub-subarea:

  1. Scenario 1 (Cell 1): Artificial Misalignment
    We manually shift the S3 dataset by a chosen ((\Delta x,\Delta y)) in real-world coordinates. This simulates misalignment for testing and creates a “no alignment” baseline dataset.

  2. Scenario 2 (Cell 2): Finding the Optimal Shift with ECC
    We interpolate both S2 and (misaligned) S3 reflectance onto a 2D grid and run OpenCV’s ECC algorithm. This recovers the translation needed to re-align S3 onto S2, shown in a plot with arrows indicating the artificial shift and the ECC-recovered shift.

  3. Scenario 3 (Cell 3): Applying the Shift
    Finally, we apply the ECC-derived shift to the raw (x, y) S3 coordinates and re-build the co-located dataset. This produces a new “aligned” dataset for downstream tasks (e.g., training a model with S3 inputs and S2-derived Melt Pond Fraction targets).

By the end, you’ll have two training datasets—one misaligned and one aligned—allowing you to test how sea ice drifting and correction impact your results.

Scenario 1: Creating a Training Dataset with Manual Misalignment#

In this cell, we:

  1. Load the pre-filtered Sentinel-2 (S2), Sentinel-3 (S3), and Melt Pond Fraction (MPF) data.

  2. Manually apply a fixed ((\Delta x, \Delta y)) shift to S3 coordinates to simulate misalignment over the chosen sub-subarea.

  3. Visualise original versus misaligned data, showing how S3 points have shifted in space.

  4. Use KDTree to associate each S2 pixel with its nearest (misaligned) S3 pixel.

  5. Average MPF values for each misaligned S3 location, producing an MPF map on S3’s shifted grid.

  6. Save the resulting “no alignment” (actually artificially misaligned) training dataset for later comparison.

This provides a baseline scenario where S3 is deliberately offset from S2, enabling us to see how alignment corrections in subsequent cells improve or change the final training data.

The MPF data (generated using the algorithm from

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from collections import defaultdict

# 1) Load zoomed S2, S3, MPF data
save_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/GEOL0069/2324/Week 6 2025'
s2_data = np.load(save_path + '/s2_zoomed_data.npz')
s3_data = np.load(save_path + '/s3_zoomed_data.npz')
mpf_data = np.load(save_path + '/mpf_zoomed_data.npz')

# 2) Extract arrays - use FULL datasets before filtering
s2_x_all, s2_y_all = s2_data['x'], s2_data['y']
band_s2_all = s2_data['band_data']
mpf_all = mpf_data['mpf']
s3_x_all, s3_y_all = s3_data['x'], s3_data['y']
band_s3_all = s3_data['reflectance']

# 3) Define sub-subarea bounds
sub_x_min, sub_x_max = 530000.0, 550000.0
sub_y_min, sub_y_max = 7430000.0, 7450000.0

manual_dx, manual_dy = 1500, -1500
print(f"Manually misaligning S3 by dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy}")

# 5) Apply misalignment to FULL S3 dataset
s3_x_misaligned_all = s3_x_all + manual_dx
s3_y_misaligned_all = s3_y_all + manual_dy

# 6) Filter S2 & MPF for sub-subarea
cond_s2_sub = (
    (s2_x_all >= sub_x_min) & (s2_x_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s2_y_all >= sub_y_min) & (s2_y_all <= sub_y_max)
s2_x = s2_x_all[cond_s2_sub]
s2_y = s2_y_all[cond_s2_sub]
band_s2 = band_s2_all[cond_s2_sub]
mpf_vals = mpf_all[cond_s2_sub]

# 7) Filter original S3 for sub-subarea
cond_s3_original_sub = (
    (s3_x_all >= sub_x_min) & (s3_x_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s3_y_all >= sub_y_min) & (s3_y_all <= sub_y_max)
s3_x_original = s3_x_all[cond_s3_original_sub]
s3_y_original = s3_y_all[cond_s3_original_sub]
band_s3_original = band_s3_all[cond_s3_original_sub]

# 8) Filter MISALIGNED S3 for sub-subarea - this includes NEW data that shifted into the area
cond_s3_misaligned_sub = (
    (s3_x_misaligned_all >= sub_x_min) & (s3_x_misaligned_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s3_y_misaligned_all >= sub_y_min) & (s3_y_misaligned_all <= sub_y_max)
s3_x_misaligned = s3_x_misaligned_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]
s3_y_misaligned = s3_y_misaligned_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]
band_s3_misaligned = band_s3_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]

print(f"S2 points in sub-subarea: {len(s2_x)}")
print(f"Original S3 points in sub-subarea: {len(s3_x_original)}")
print(f"Misaligned S3 points in sub-subarea: {len(s3_x_misaligned)}")

# 9) Visualise S2 and MPF (reference data)
plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=band_s2[:, 0]/10000.0, cmap='viridis', s=1)
plt.colorbar(label='S2 Band 0 reflectance')
plt.title('S2 in Sub-subarea (Reference)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)

plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=mpf_vals, cmap='coolwarm', s=1)
plt.title('MPF on S2 Coordinates (Reference)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)

# 10) Visualise original vs. misaligned S3 in the sub-subarea

# Original S3
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(s3_x_original, s3_y_original, c=band_s3_original[:, 0], cmap='viridis', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='S3 Band 0 reflectance')
plt.title('Original S3 Data in Sub-subarea')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)

# 11) Visualise difference in reflectance patterns
# Create a figure showing the misaligned S3 data next to S2 data

# S2 reflectance
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=band_s2[:, 0]/10000.0, cmap='viridis', s=3)
plt.colorbar(label='S2 reflectance')
plt.title('S2 Reflectance Pattern')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)

# Misaligned S3 reflectance
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.scatter(s3_x_misaligned, s3_y_misaligned, c=band_s3_misaligned[:, 0], cmap='viridis', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='S3 reflectance')
plt.title('Misaligned S3 Reflectance Pattern')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)


# 12) Use KDTree to associate S2 -> misaligned S3
s2_points = np.vstack((s2_x, s2_y)).T
s3_points_misaligned = np.vstack((s3_x_misaligned, s3_y_misaligned)).T
tree = KDTree(s3_points_misaligned)

# Find nearest S3 point for each S2 point
distances, s3_idx_for_s2 = tree.query(s2_points)

# 13) Group S2 indices by S3 index
grouped = defaultdict(list)
for s2_idx, s3_idx in enumerate(s3_idx_for_s2):

# 14) Compute mean MPF for each S3 pixel
mpf_avg = np.full(len(s3_points_misaligned), np.nan)
for s3_i, s2_list in grouped.items():
    mpf_for_this_s3 = mpf_vals[s2_list]
    if np.any(~np.isnan(mpf_for_this_s3)):
        mpf_avg[s3_i] = np.nanmean(mpf_for_this_s3)

# 15) Remove NaNs
valid_s3 = ~np.isnan(mpf_avg)
s3_x_clean = s3_x_misaligned[valid_s3]
s3_y_clean = s3_y_misaligned[valid_s3]
band_s3_clean = band_s3_misaligned[valid_s3]
mpf_clean = mpf_avg[valid_s3]

# 16) Plot the S3-located MPF distribution

# S2 MPF (Original reference)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=mpf_vals, cmap='coolwarm', s=3)
plt.title('Original MPF Values (S2)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)

# S3-derived MPF
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.scatter(s3_x_clean, s3_y_clean, c=mpf_clean, cmap='coolwarm', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='Mean MPF')
plt.title('MPF Mapped to Misaligned S3 Coords')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)


# 17) Save dataset
training_data_noalign = {
    "s3_x": s3_x_clean,
    "s3_y": s3_y_clean,
    "s3_features": band_s3_clean,
    "mpf_target": mpf_clean,
    "manual_misalignment": np.array([manual_dx, manual_dy])  # Save the misalignment values
np.savez(save_path + '/training_data_subsubarea_noalign.npz', **training_data_noalign)
print("Scenario 1 done. Training dataset (with MANUAL MISALIGNMENT) saved.")
Output hidden; open in to view.

Cell 2: Detecting and Visualizing the Shift with ECC#

In this cell, we:

  1. Load the sub-subarea data (both S2 and artificially misaligned S3).

  2. Interpolate each dataset onto a regular 2D grid (e.g., 300×300 pixels) for image-based alignment.

  3. Use OpenCV’s ECC (findTransformECC) to estimate the translational offset between the S2 and misaligned S3 grids.

  4. Convert the detected pixel shift into real-world coordinates using the bounding-box dimensions.

  5. Visualise:

    • The interpolated grids (S2 vs. misaligned S3)

    • The ECC-realigned S3 grid

    • Arrows illustrating the recovered shift

This process provides a quantitative measure of the offset, confirming how well ECC recovers our manual misalignment. You’ll also see how to interpret pixel-based shifts in meter terms.

It’s important to note that ECC has practical limits on how large a misalignment it can recover. If the manual shift is too large, ECC may fail to converge and won’t successfully realign the data.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import cv2
from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrow

# 1) Load the sub-subarea data
save_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/GEOL0069/2324/Week 6 2025'

# We'll assume the same bounding box used in Cell 1
sub_x_min, sub_x_max = 530000.0, 550000.0
sub_y_min, sub_y_max = 7430000.0, 7450000.0

# Load the S2, S3 zoomed data
s2_data = np.load(save_path + '/s2_zoomed_data.npz')
s3_data = np.load(save_path + '/s3_zoomed_data.npz')

# 2) Extract the full arrays (before filtering)
s2_x_all, s2_y_all = s2_data['x'], s2_data['y']
s2_band_all = s2_data['band_data']

s3_x_all, s3_y_all = s3_data['x'], s3_data['y']
s3_band_all = s3_data['reflectance']

# 3) Load the manual misalignment values from Cell 1
    noalign_data = np.load(save_path + '/training_data_subsubarea_noalign.npz')
    manual_dx, manual_dy = noalign_data['manual_misalignment']
    print(f"Loaded manual misalignment: dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy}")
    # Fallback if not saved
    manual_dx, manual_dy = 2000, -2000
    print(f"Using default manual misalignment: dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy}")

# 4) Apply the misalignment to full S3 dataset
s3_x_misaligned_all = s3_x_all + manual_dx
s3_y_misaligned_all = s3_y_all + manual_dy

# 5) Filter sub-subarea for S2
cond_s2_sub = (
    (s2_x_all >= sub_x_min) & (s2_x_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s2_y_all >= sub_y_min) & (s2_y_all <= sub_y_max)
s2_x = s2_x_all[cond_s2_sub]
s2_y = s2_y_all[cond_s2_sub]
z_s2_band0 = s2_band_all[cond_s2_sub, 0] / 10000.0

# 6) Filter misaligned S3 for sub-subarea
cond_s3_misaligned_sub = (
    (s3_x_misaligned_all >= sub_x_min) & (s3_x_misaligned_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s3_y_misaligned_all >= sub_y_min) & (s3_y_misaligned_all <= sub_y_max)
s3_x_misaligned = s3_x_misaligned_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]
s3_y_misaligned = s3_y_misaligned_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]
z_s3_band0 = s3_band_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub, 0]  # S3 band 0

print(f"S2 sub-subarea points: {len(s2_x)}")
print(f"Misaligned S3 sub-subarea points: {len(s3_x_misaligned)}")

# First plot the actual point data before interpolation

plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=z_s2_band0, cmap='viridis', s=1)
plt.colorbar(label='S2 Band 0 Reflectance')
plt.title('Original S2 Points (Before Interpolation)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)

plt.scatter(s3_x_misaligned, s3_y_misaligned, c=z_s3_band0, cmap='viridis', s=5)
plt.colorbar(label='S3 Band 0 Reflectance')
plt.title('Misaligned S3 Points (Before Interpolation)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)


# 7) Interpolate S2 & misaligned S3 band0 to grids for ECC

def interpolate_to_grid(xpts, ypts, vals, ngrid=300):
    x_min, x_max = xpts.min(), xpts.max()
    y_min, y_max = ypts.min(), ypts.max()
    x_grid = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, ngrid)
    y_grid = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, ngrid)
    xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid)
    z = griddata((xpts, ypts), vals, (xg, yg), method='linear')
    return xg, yg, z

ngrid = 300
# Create grid for S2
xg_s2, yg_s2, z_s2 = interpolate_to_grid(s2_x, s2_y, z_s2_band0, ngrid=ngrid)

# Create grid for misaligned S3 (already misaligned - no need to shift here)
xg_s3, yg_s3, z_s3 = interpolate_to_grid(s3_x_misaligned, s3_y_misaligned, z_s3_band0, ngrid=ngrid)

# Replace NaNs with mean for ECC
z_s2_filled = np.nan_to_num(z_s2, nan=np.nanmean(z_s2))
z_s3_filled = np.nan_to_num(z_s3, nan=np.nanmean(z_s3))

# Visualise the interpolated grids with consistent parameters

plt.imshow(z_s2_filled, cmap='viridis', origin='lower')
plt.title('Interpolated S2 Band 0 Grid')

plt.imshow(z_s3_filled, cmap='viridis', origin='lower')
plt.title('Interpolated Misaligned S3 Band 0 Grid')


# 8) Run ECC to detect the misalignment between grids
# Convert to float32 for ECC
A = z_s2_filled.astype(np.float32)
B = z_s3_filled.astype(np.float32)

# Set up ECC parameters
warp_matrix = np.eye(2, 3, dtype=np.float32)
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 200, 1e-6)

# Run ECC
    cc, warp_matrix = cv2.findTransformECC(A, B, warp_matrix, motionType=cv2.MOTION_TRANSLATION, criteria=criteria)
    dx_est, dy_est = -warp_matrix[0,2], -warp_matrix[1,2]
    print(f"[ECC] Detected misalignment: dx={dx_est:.2f}, dy={dy_est:.2f}, CC={cc:.4f}")
    print(f"Known manual misalignment: dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy}")
    print(f"Correction should be approx: dx={-manual_dx}, dy={-manual_dy}")

    # Calculate pixel to coordinate conversion factors
    x_pixel_to_coord = (xg_s2[0,-1] - xg_s2[0,0]) / ngrid
    y_pixel_to_coord = (yg_s2[-1,0] - yg_s2[0,0]) / ngrid

    # Convert pixel shifts to coordinate shifts
    dx_est_coord = dx_est * x_pixel_to_coord
    dy_est_coord = dy_est * y_pixel_to_coord

    print(f"ECC detected shift in real coordinates: dx={dx_est_coord:.2f}, dy={dy_est_coord:.2f}")
except cv2.error as e:
    print("[ECC Failed]", e)
    dx_est, dy_est = None, None
    dx_est_coord, dy_est_coord = None, None

# Realign B using the estimated shift (if ECC succeeded)
if dx_est is not None and dy_est is not None:
    B_realigned = np.roll(np.roll(B, int(dy_est), axis=0), int(dx_est), axis=1)
    B_realigned = B  # fallback

# Visualise the results

# Original S2 reference grid
plt.imshow(A, cmap='viridis', origin='lower')
plt.title("S2 Reference Grid")

# Misaligned S3 grid
plt.imshow(B, cmap='viridis', origin='lower')
plt.title(f"Misaligned S3 Grid (dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy})")

# ECC-realigned S3 grid
plt.imshow(B_realigned, cmap='viridis', origin='lower')
if dx_est is not None and dy_est is not None:
    plt.title(f"S3 Re-aligned with ECC (dx={dx_est:.1f}, dy={dy_est:.1f})")
    plt.title("S3 (ECC alignment failed)")


# Visualise the shift with arrows
if dx_est is not None and dy_est is not None:
    plt.imshow(A, cmap='viridis', origin='lower')
    plt.title(f"ECC Detected Shift: dx={dx_est:.1f}, dy={dy_est:.1f}")

    # Draw arrows showing the detected shift
    h, w = A.shape
    step = 20
    rows = np.arange(0, h, step)
    cols = np.arange(0, w, step)

    for r in rows:
        for c in cols:
            plt.arrow(c, r, dx_est/2, dy_est/2, color="yellow",
                      width=0.5, head_width=2, head_length=2, alpha=0.8)

    plt.colorbar(label='S2 Reflectance')

# Suppose we have a sub-subarea bounding box:
sub_x_min, sub_x_max = 530000.0, 550000.0
sub_y_min, sub_y_max = 7430000.0, 7450000.0
ngrid = 300

# 1) Pixel size in X and Y
delta_x_per_pixel = (sub_x_max - sub_x_min) / (ngrid - 1)  # e.g. 20,000/299 ~ 67 m
delta_y_per_pixel = (sub_y_max - sub_y_min) / (ngrid - 1)  # e.g. ~67 m

# 2) Suppose we want a 20-pixel shift in the interpolation grid
pixel_shift_x = dx_est
pixel_shift_y = dy_est

# 3) Convert pixel shift to real coordinates
real_dx = pixel_shift_x * delta_x_per_pixel
real_dy = pixel_shift_y * delta_y_per_pixel

print(f"Pixel shift=({pixel_shift_x}, {pixel_shift_y}) -> real shift=({real_dx}, {real_dy}) meters")
Output hidden; open in to view.

Scenario 2: Building a Training Dataset with ECC Alignment#

In this cell, we:

  1. Load the manually misaligned S3 data from Scenario 1 and the ECC-detected shift from Cell 2.

  2. Apply the manual misalignment and then add the ECC-based correction to realign S3.

  3. Filter the original, misaligned, and aligned S3 points within the same sub-subarea bounds, and compare them visually alongside S2.

  4. Use KDTree to associate S2 pixels with the ECC-aligned S3 pixels, then average MPF values at each S3 location.

  5. Save the final “aligned” training dataset—this time ensuring that S3 coordinates are as close as possible to S2 references.

This lets us see how alignment improves the match between S2 and S3.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

save_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/GEOL0069/2324/Week 6 2025'

# Use the values you found if file not available
dx_est, dy_est = -1918.1767594455478, 1227.4694283271715# <-- Using the shift values you provided
print(f"Using provided ECC shift: dx={dx_est}, dy={dy_est}")

# 2) Load the manual misalignment for comparison

manual_dx, manual_dy = 1500, -1500
print(f"Assumed manual misalignment: dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy}")

# 3) Load the full datasets
s2_data = np.load(save_path + '/s2_zoomed_data.npz')
s3_data = np.load(save_path + '/s3_zoomed_data.npz')
mpf_data = np.load(save_path + '/mpf_zoomed_data.npz')

# Define sub-subarea
sub_x_min, sub_x_max = 530000.0, 550000.0
sub_y_min, sub_y_max = 7430000.0, 7450000.0

# 4) Extract full arrays
s2_x_all, s2_y_all = s2_data['x'], s2_data['y']
band_s2_all = s2_data['band_data']
mpf_all = mpf_data['mpf']

s3_x_all, s3_y_all = s3_data['x'], s3_data['y']
band_s3_all = s3_data['reflectance']

# 5) Filter S2 data for sub-subarea
cond_s2_sub = (
    (s2_x_all >= sub_x_min) & (s2_x_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s2_y_all >= sub_y_min) & (s2_y_all <= sub_y_max)
s2_x = s2_x_all[cond_s2_sub]
s2_y = s2_y_all[cond_s2_sub]
band_s2 = band_s2_all[cond_s2_sub]
mpf_vals = mpf_all[cond_s2_sub]

# 6) Apply steps to S3 with the full dataset
# Step 1: Apply the manual misalignment to the FULL S3 dataset
s3_x_misaligned_all = s3_x_all + manual_dx
s3_y_misaligned_all = s3_y_all + manual_dy

# Step 2: Apply the ECC correction to get aligned coordinates
s3_x_aligned_all = s3_x_misaligned_all + dx_est
s3_y_aligned_all = s3_y_misaligned_all + dy_est

# 7) Filter the original, misaligned, and aligned S3 for the sub-subarea
# Original S3 in sub-subarea
cond_s3_original_sub = (
    (s3_x_all >= sub_x_min) & (s3_x_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s3_y_all >= sub_y_min) & (s3_y_all <= sub_y_max)
s3_x_original = s3_x_all[cond_s3_original_sub]
s3_y_original = s3_y_all[cond_s3_original_sub]
band_s3_original = band_s3_all[cond_s3_original_sub]

# Misaligned S3 in sub-subarea
cond_s3_misaligned_sub = (
    (s3_x_misaligned_all >= sub_x_min) & (s3_x_misaligned_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s3_y_misaligned_all >= sub_y_min) & (s3_y_misaligned_all <= sub_y_max)
s3_x_misaligned = s3_x_misaligned_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]
s3_y_misaligned = s3_y_misaligned_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]
band_s3_misaligned = band_s3_all[cond_s3_misaligned_sub]

# ECC-aligned S3 in sub-subarea
cond_s3_aligned_sub = (
    (s3_x_aligned_all >= sub_x_min) & (s3_x_aligned_all <= sub_x_max) &
    (s3_y_aligned_all >= sub_y_min) & (s3_y_aligned_all <= sub_y_max)
s3_x_aligned = s3_x_aligned_all[cond_s3_aligned_sub]
s3_y_aligned = s3_y_aligned_all[cond_s3_aligned_sub]
band_s3_aligned = band_s3_all[cond_s3_aligned_sub]

print(f"S2 points in sub-subarea: {len(s2_x)}")
print(f"Original S3 points in sub-subarea: {len(s3_x_original)}")
print(f"Misaligned S3 points in sub-subarea: {len(s3_x_misaligned)}")
print(f"ECC-aligned S3 points in sub-subarea: {len(s3_x_aligned)}")

# 8) Plot all versions to compare
# S2 reference data
plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=band_s2[:,0]/10000, cmap='viridis', s=2)
plt.colorbar(label='S2 Band 0 Reflectance')
plt.title('S2 in Sub-subarea (Reference)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')

# Original S3 data
plt.scatter(s3_x_original, s3_y_original, c=band_s3_original[:,0], cmap='viridis', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='S3 Band 0 Reflectance')
plt.title('Original S3 in Sub-subarea')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')

# Misaligned S3 data
plt.scatter(s3_x_misaligned, s3_y_misaligned, c=band_s3_misaligned[:,0], cmap='viridis', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='S3 Band 0 Reflectance')
plt.title(f'Misaligned S3 (dx={manual_dx}, dy={manual_dy})')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')

# ECC-aligned S3 data
plt.scatter(s3_x_aligned, s3_y_aligned, c=band_s3_aligned[:,0], cmap='viridis', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='S3 Band 0 Reflectance')
plt.title(f'ECC-Corrected S3 (dx={dx_est:.1f}, dy={dy_est:.1f})')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')

# 9) Use KDTree to associate S2 -> ECC-aligned S3
s2_points = np.vstack((s2_x, s2_y)).T
s3_points_aligned = np.vstack((s3_x_aligned, s3_y_aligned)).T
tree_aligned = KDTree(s3_points_aligned)

# Find nearest aligned S3 point for each S2 point
distances, s3_idx_for_s2 = tree_aligned.query(s2_points)

# 10) Visualize KDTree connections
# Sample a subset of connections to avoid cluttering
sample_size = min(150, len(s2_points))
sample_indices = np.random.choice(len(s2_points), sample_size, replace=False)

plt.scatter(s3_x_aligned, s3_y_aligned, c=band_s3_aligned[:,0], cmap='viridis', s=15, alpha=0.6, label='ECC-Aligned S3')
plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c='red', s=5, alpha=0.6, label='S2')

# Draw lines connecting S2 points to their nearest ECC-aligned S3 points
for idx in sample_indices:
    s2_pt = s2_points[idx]
    s3_pt = s3_points_aligned[s3_idx_for_s2[idx]]
    plt.plot([s2_pt[0], s3_pt[0]], [s2_pt[1], s3_pt[1]], 'k-', alpha=0.2)

plt.title('KDTree Connections: S2 -> ECC-Aligned S3 (Sample)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')

# 11) Group S2 indices by S3 index for the aligned data
grouped = defaultdict(list)
for s2_i, s3_i in enumerate(s3_idx_for_s2):

# 12) Compute mean MPF for each aligned S3 pixel
mpf_avg_aligned = np.full(len(s3_points_aligned), np.nan)
for s3_i, s2_list in grouped.items():
    mpf_vals_for_s3 = mpf_vals[s2_list]
    if np.any(~np.isnan(mpf_vals_for_s3)):
        mpf_avg_aligned[s3_i] = np.nanmean(mpf_vals_for_s3)

valid_idx = ~np.isnan(mpf_avg_aligned)
s3_x_align_clean = s3_x_aligned[valid_idx]
s3_y_align_clean = s3_y_aligned[valid_idx]
band_s3_align_clean = band_s3_aligned[valid_idx]
mpf_align_clean = mpf_avg_aligned[valid_idx]

# 13) Compare original MPF vs ECC-aligned MPF

# S2 MPF (Original reference)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(s2_x, s2_y, c=mpf_vals, cmap='coolwarm', s=3)
plt.title('Original MPF Values (S2)')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')

# ECC-aligned S3-derived MPF
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.scatter(s3_x_align_clean, s3_y_align_clean, c=mpf_align_clean, cmap='coolwarm', s=10)
plt.colorbar(label='Mean MPF')
plt.title('MPF Values Mapped to ECC-Aligned S3')
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(sub_x_min, sub_x_max)
plt.ylim(sub_y_min, sub_y_max)
plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')


# 14) Save the aligned dataset
training_data_aligned = {
    "s3_x_aligned": s3_x_align_clean,
    "s3_y_aligned": s3_y_align_clean,
    "s3_features": band_s3_align_clean,
    "mpf_target": mpf_align_clean,
    "manual_misalignment": np.array([manual_dx, manual_dy]),
    "ecc_correction": np.array([dx_est, dy_est])
np.savez(save_path + '/training_data_subsubarea_aligned.npz', **training_data_aligned)
print("Scenario 2 done. Training dataset (WITH ECC ALIGNMENT) saved.")
Output hidden; open in to view.