Welcome to GEOL0069 AI for Earth Observation# Week 1 Preparation Introduction to Intelligently Reinforced Image Segmentation (IRIS) Week 2 Introduction to AI/Machine Learning Core concepts Sea-ice and Lead Classification AI/Machine Learning Implementation Week 3 Data Fetching Roll-out on a Full Image Load in CNN Load in ViT Load in Random Forest Rollout on a Small Region Rollout on a full region Week 4 Colocating Sentinel-3 OLCI/SRAL and Sentinal-2 Optical Data Unsupervised Learning Week 5 Regression Techniques for Predictive Analysis Gaussian Processes bishop2006pattern Aligning Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 OLCI Data Week 6 Colocate Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Imagery Application of Regression Techniques in Satellite Imagery Analysis References Week 7 Introduction to Gaussian Processes Introduction to GPSat Using GPUs to accelerate training and inference GPSat modelling with local GP experts: A 1-D case study (Part 1) GPSat modelling with local GP experts: A 1-D case study (Part 2) 2D interpolation of ABC satellite data Week 8 Interpolation of Sea Level Anomaly using GPSat Along track interpolation Load data Select profile for interpolation Generate expert locations at 200 km Interpolate along-track Week 9 Explainable AI Explainable AI Part 2 Explainable AI in Polynomial Regression Neural Network