Base model

Contains the base abstract class that all GPSat models must inherit.

class GPSat.models.base_model.BaseGPRModel(data: DataFrame | None = None, coords_col: str | List[str] | None = None, obs_col: str | List[str] | None = None, coords: ndarray | None = None, obs: ndarray | None = None, coords_scale: int | float | List[int | float] | None = None, obs_scale: int | float | List[int | float] | None = None, obs_mean: Literal['local'] | int | float | List[int | float] | None = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs)

Bases: ABC

Base class for all GPSat models. Every local expert model must inherit from this class. This is to enforce consistent naming across different models for basic attributes and methods such as training and predicting.

obs: np.ndarray | None

A numpy array consisting of all observed values from satellite measurements. If de-meaning and rescaling (see below) is applicable, it stores the transformed values (not the original values). This has shape (N, P), where N is the number of data points and P is the dimension of observations.

obs_col: list of str | list of int

The variable name(s) of the observations. Relevant if the observations are extracted from a dataframe, in which case obs_col is the column name correspoding to the observations. If not specified, it will default to [0].

coords: numpy array | None

A numpy array consisting of all coordinate values where satellite measurements were made. If rescaling (see below) is applicable, it stores the rescaled values (not the original values). This has shape (N, D), where N is the number of data points and D is the dimension of input coordinates.

coords_col: list of str | list of int

The variable name(s) of the coordinates. Relevant if the coordinate readings are extracted from a dataframe, in which case coords_col should contain the column names correspoding to the coordinates. If not specified, it will default to a list of indices, e.g. [0, 1, 2] for three-dimensional inputs.

obs_mean: numpy array

The mean value of observations. This value gets subtracted from the observation data for de-meaning.

obs_scale: numpy array

The value(s) with which we rescale the observation data. Default is 1.

coords_scale: numpy array

The value(s) with which we rescale the coordinates data. The shape must match the shape of the coords array. Default is 1.


Name of GPU if availabe, used for training/prediction.


Processor name of the machine where experiments were run on.



Makes predictions on new coordinates specified by the array coords. This is an abstract method that must be overridden by all inheriting classes.


Fits model on training data by optimising the parameters/hyperparameters. This is an abstract method that must be overridden by all inheriting classes.


Returns the value of the objective function used to train the model. This is an abstract method that must be overridden by all inheriting classes.


A property method to retrieve the names of the parameters/hyperparameters of the model. This is an abstract method that must be overridden by all inheriting classes.

get_parameters(*args, return_dict=True)

Retrieves the values of parameters.


Sets values of parameters.

set_parameter_constraints(constraints_dict, **kwargs)

Sets constraints on parameters.


  • To keep notations consistent, we will denote the number of datapoints by N, the input dimension by D and output dimension by P.

  • All inheriting classes must override the methods predict, optimise_parameters, get_objective_function_value and param_names (see below).

  • In addition, all inheriting classes must contain the getter/setter methods get_* and set_* for all * in param_names. e.g. if param_names = ['A', 'B'] then the methods get_A, set_A, get_B, set_B should be defined. Additionally, the method set_*_constraints can also be defined, which will be used to constrain the values of the parameters during optimisation.

__init__(data: DataFrame | None = None, coords_col: str | List[str] | None = None, obs_col: str | List[str] | None = None, coords: ndarray | None = None, obs: ndarray | None = None, coords_scale: int | float | List[int | float] | None = None, obs_scale: int | float | List[int | float] | None = None, obs_mean: Literal['local'] | int | float | List[int | float] | None = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs)
data: pandas dataframe, optional.

A pandas dataframe containing the training data. If not specified, coords and obs must be specified explicitly.

coords_col: str | list of str | None, default None.

The column names in data corresponding to the input coordinates where measurements were made. e.g. coords_col = ['x', 'y', 't'].

obs_col: str | list of str | None, default None.

The column names in data corresponding to the measurement values.

coords: numpy array, optional.

A numpy array of shape (N, D) specifying the input coordinates explicitly. If D = 1, an array of shape (N,) is also allowed. Only used if data is None.

obs: numpy array, optional.

A numpy array of shape [N, P] specifying the measurement values explicitly. If P = 1, an array of shape (N,) is also allowed. Only used if data is None.

coords_scale: int | float | list of int or float | None, default None.

The value(s) by which we rescale the input coordinate values. If the coordinate is D-dimensional, we can specify a list of length D whose entries correspond to the scaling for each dimension.

obs_scale: int | float | list of int or float | None, default None.

The value(s) by which we rescale the output measurement values. If the measurements are P-dimensional, we can specify a list of length P whose entries correspond to the scaling for each output dimension.

obs_mean: ‘local’ | int | float | list of int or float | None, default None.

Value to subtract from observations. The purpose is to calibrate observations in order to use kernels with mean zero if one wishes. Setting obs_mean = 'local' allows us to use the mean value of the array self.obs.

verbose: bool, default True

Set verbosity of model initialisation.

abstract get_objective_function_value() ndarray

Get value of objection function used to train the model. e.g. the log marginal likelihood when using exact GPR. Any inheriting class should override this method.

get_parameters(*args, return_dict=True) dict | list

Get parameter values. Loops through the get_* methods for all * in param_names or args. If return_dict is True, it returns a dictionary of param name-value pairs and if False, returns a list of all parameter values in the order listed in param_names.

args: list of str

A list of parameter names whose values we wish to retrieve. If it is an empty list, it will return the values of all parameters in self.param_names.

return_dict: bool, default True

Option to return the result as a dictionary or as a list.

dict or list

A dictionary (if return_dict=True) or list (if return_dict=False) containing the parameter values.

abstract optimise_parameters()

Method to fit data on model by optimising (hyper/variational)-parameters. Any inheriting class should override this method.

abstract property param_names: List[str]

Property method that returns the names of parameters in a list. Any inheriting class should override this method.

Each parameter name should have a get_* and set_* method. e.g. if param_names = ['A', 'B'] then methods get_A, set_A, get_B, set_B should be defined.

Additionally, one can specify a set_*_constraints method that imposes constraints on the parameters during training, if applicable.

abstract predict(coords: ndarray) Dict[str, ndarray]

Method to generate prediction at given coords. Any inheriting class should override this method.

coords: numpy array

Coordinate values where we wish to make predictions.


Predictions at the given coordinate locations. Should be a dictionary containing the mean and variance of the predictions, as well as other variables one wishes to save.

set_parameter_constraints(constraints_dict, **kwargs)

Set constraints on parameters, e.g. maximum or minimum values.

constraints_dict: dict of dict

A dictionary of parameter name–constraints pair, where the constraints are specified as dictionaries of arguments to be passed to the set_*_constraints method.

kwargs: dict

A global dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to all set_*_constraints method.


Set parameter values.

kwargs: dict

A dictionary of parameter name–value pairs that we wish to set. Parameter names must be a subset of self.param_names otherwise returns an error.