Configuration dataclasses

Experiments on GPSat using the LocalExpertOI API works by specifying a set of configurations, one for the following components that build up an experiment:

Additionally, we have a class that configures running details:

and a class that configures the entire experiment:

All of these configurations are subclasses of dataclass_json (see dataclasses-json), enabling us to read/write configurations to/from JSON objects. This can be useful for keeping track of experiments and for reproducibility purposes.


Here, we provide an example of a typical GPSat experiment workflow using the LocalExpertOI API. The configurations used to instantiate the LocalExpertOI object are the configuration dataclasses.

Note: We can also provide the configurations in the form of dictionaries for backward compatibility.

import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from GPSat.config_dataclasses import *
from GPSat.local_experts import LocalExpertOI

# Construct toy data
obs = np.random.randn(4)
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'y': obs})

# Set expert locations
xpert_locs = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': [2, 4]})
pred_locs = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': np.linspace(0, 5, 10)})

# Set configurations
data_config = DataConfig(data_source=df,
model_config = ModelConfig(oi_model="sklearnGPRModel")
xpert_config = ExpertLocsConfig(source=xpert_locs)
pred_config = PredictionLocsConfig(method="from_dataframe",

# Run experiment
store_path = "/file/to/store"
locexp = LocalExpertOI(data_config=data_config,
                        pred_loc_config=pred_config), check_config_compatible=False)

We can store the experiment configurations to JSON format for reproducibility:

# Create run configuration
run_config = RunConfig(store_path=store_path, check_config_compatible=False)

# Create experiment configuration
comment = "Configuration for toy experiment"
experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(data_config,

# Convert configuration to json format
config_json = experiment_config.to_json()

# Save configuration to json file
with open("example_config.json", "w") as f:

We can then load this JSON file to reproduce the experiment:

# Load json file (output is a dict)
with open('example_config.json', 'r') as f:
   json_object = json.load(f)

# Convert dict to ExperimentConfig object
config_json = ExperimentConfig.from_dict(json_object)

# Run experiment with the same configurations as before
locexp = LocalExpertOI(config_json.data_config,

Data configuration

class GPSat.config_dataclasses.DataConfig(data_source: str | DataFrame | dict | None = None, table: str | None = None, obs_col: str | None = None, coords_col: List[str] | None = None, local_select: List[dict] | None = None, global_select: List[dict] | None = None, row_select: List[dict] | None = None, col_select: List[str] | None = None, col_funcs: List[str] | dict | None = None, engine: str | None = None, read_kwargs: dict | None = None)

Bases: object

This dataclass provides the configuration for data to be consumed by the local expert models. It provides an API for data loading and selection. TODO: Just use local_experts.LocalExpertData?

data_source: str or pandas DataFrame object

The dataframe or path to a file containing the satellite measurement data. Specify either as a string indicating the file name, or as a pandas DataFrame object. The tabular data should contain columns specifying the coordinates of measurements and columns specifying measurement readings.

table: str, optional

Used only if data_source is a string pointing to an HDF5 file (‘’*.h5”). This should indicate the table in the HDF5 file where data is stored.

obs_col: str

The name of column in the table specifying the measurement readings.

To do: Allow multiple columns to accomodate multioutput GPs?

coords_col: list of str

The names of columns in the table specifying the coordinates of the locations where measurements were obtained.

local_select: list of dict, optional

A list of conditions used to select a subset of data for training. Each condition should be in the form of a dictionary containing the following keys:

  • 'col': A string or list of strings indicating the name(s) of the column(s) that we wish to impose conditions on.

  • 'comp': A comparison operator, which is one of '==', '!=', '>=', '>', '<=', or '<'. This should be a string.

  • 'val': Value to compare 'col' with in order to select the subset of data.

We explain this API with an example.

Example: Consider a dataframe df with columns 'x', 'y', 't' and 'z', indicating the xyt-coordinates and the satellite measurements z, respectively. We set this data by

data_config = DataConfig(data_source = df,
                         obs_col = 'z',
                         coords_col = ['x', 'y', 't'],
                         local_select = ...)


local_select = [{"col": "t", "comp": "<=", "val": 4}, 
                {"col": "t", "comp": ">=", "val": -4}]

in the last expression. Passing this will select data that is within ±4 of the t-coordinate of the current expert location. That is, if t=5 in the current expert location, this will select data for t=1,...,9 in df.

We note that if local_select is unspecified, it defaults to using the entire data for training.

global_select: list of dict, optional

A list of conditions used to load a subset of data onto memory. This should be used if the full data is too large to fit on memory. Naturally, this assumes that data_source is passed as a file name pointing to the data instead of the data itself (since this cannot be loaded onto memory).

Selection can be done statically and/or dynamically.

Static selection uses the same data selection API as local_select above. So for example,

global_select = [{"col": "x", "comp": ">=", "val": 10}]

will store on memory only data in data_source whose column "x" is greater than or equal to the value 10. i.e., data["x"] >= 10.

Dynamic selection works in tandem with local_select to allow data selection that depends on local expert locations. The selection criteria is expressed as a dictionary containing the following keys:

  • 'loc_col': The 'col' argument of the local_select dictionary that we base our selection criteria on.

  • 'src_col': The name(s) of the column(s) in the data that we apply our selection criteria on.

  • 'func': A lambda function (written as a string) specifying the selection criterion. This lambda function requires two arguments. The first corresponds to the column of the current local expert location specififying the coordinate locations and the second corresponds to the 'val' argument of the local_select dictionary.

We explain the dynamic selection API with an example.

Example: Consider a dataframe df with columns 'x', 'y', 't' and 'z', indicating the xyt-coordinates and the satellite measurements z, respectively.

local_select = [{"col": "t", "comp": "<=", "val": 4}] 
global_select = [{"loc_col": "exp_loc_t", "src_col": "t", "func": "lambda x,y: x+y"}]

Letting gs and ls be shorthands for the global select and local select dictionaries respectively, and exp_loc be the current expert location. Then a dictionary

{"col": gs["src_col"], "comp": ls["comp"], "val": gs["func"](exp_loc["loc_col"], ls["val"])}

is dynamically created in the loop over expert locations for data selection. e.g. local_select = [{“col”: “t”, “comp”: “<=”, “val”: 1}]

global_select = [{“loc_col”: “t”, “src_col”: “A”, “func”: “lambda x,y: x+y”}]

This will dynamically create a data selection dictionary {“col”: “A”, “comp”: “<=”, “val”: exp_loc[“t”]+1}.

row_select: list of dict, optional

Used to select a subset of data after data is initially read into memory. Can be same type of input as ‘local_select’ i.e. {“col”: “A”, “comp”: “>=”, “val”: 0} or use col_funcs that return bool array. e.g. {“func”: “lambda x: ~np.isnan(x)”, “col_args”: 1}

col_select: list of str, optional

If specified as a list of strings, it will return a subset of columns. All values must be valid. If None, all columns will be returned.

col_funcs: dict, optional

If dict, it will be provided to add_cols method to add or modify columns.

engine: str, optional

Used to specify the file type of data, if reading from file. If None, it will automatically infer the engine from the file name of 'data_source'.

read_kwargs: dict, optional

Keyword arguments for reading in data from source.

Model configuration

class GPSat.config_dataclasses.ModelConfig(oi_model: Literal['GPflowGPRModel', 'GPflowSGPRModel', 'GPflowSVGPModel', 'sklearnGPRModel', 'GPflowVFFModel', 'GPflowASVGPModel'] | dict | None = None, init_params: dict | None = None, constraints: Dict[str, dict] | None = None, load_params: dict | None = None, optim_kwargs: dict | None = None, pred_kwargs: dict | None = None, params_to_store: Literal['all'] | List[str] = 'all', replacement_threshold: int | None = None, replacement_model: Literal['GPflowGPRModel', 'GPflowSGPRModel', 'GPflowSVGPModel', 'sklearnGPRModel', 'GPflowVFFModel', 'GPflowASVGPModel'] | None = None, replacement_init_params: dict | None = None, replacement_constraints: dict | None = None, replacement_optim_kwargs: dict | None = None, replacement_pred_kwargs: dict | None = None)

Bases: object

This dataclass provides the configuration for the local expert models used to interpolate data in a local region. The attributes of this class are just the arguments passed through the GPSat.LocalExpertOI.set_model method.

oi_model: One of “GPflowGPRModel”, “GPflowSGPRModel”, “GPflowSVGPModel”, “sklearnGPRModel”, “GPflowVFFModel” or dict

Specify the local expert model used to run optimal interpolation (OI) in a local region. Some basic models are implemented already in GPSat in GPSat.models and can be selected by passing their model class name (e.g. oi_model = "GPflowGPRModel"). For custom models, specify a dictionary with the keys:

  • "path_to_model": a string specifying the path to a file where the model is implemented.

  • "model_name": a string specifying the class name of the model. The model is required to be a subclass of the GPSat.models.BaseGPRModel class.


oi_model = {"path_to_model": "path/to/model", 
            "model_name" = "CustomModel"}

will select the model "CustomModel" in the file "path/to/model".

init_params: dict, optional

A dictionary of keyword arguments used to instantiate the above model. These vary depending on the model and the user is expected to check the parameters in the __init__ method of their model of choice.

constraints: dict of dict, optional

Specify constraints on the hyperparameters of the model. The outer dictionary has the hyperparameter name as keys and the inner dictionary should have the keys:

  • "low": The lower bound for the hyperparameter. Can be a float or a list of floats if the hyperparameter is multidimensional. If None, no bound is set.

  • "high": The upper bound for the hyperparameter. Can be None, int or a list as before.


constraints = {"lengthscale": "low": 0.1, "high": 10.}

will set the hyperparameter lengthscale to be within 0.1 and 10 during optimisation.

load_params: dict, optional

Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to GPSat.LocalExpertOI.load_params method. This is used to dynamically load parameters when initialising models, instead of initialising with the default values. Intended use case is during the inference step where we want to make predictions with a pre-determined set of parameters.

If unspecified, each local expert model will be instantiated with their default parameters values. Otherwise, the dictionary should contain the following keys:

  • "file": A string pointing to a HDF5 file containing the parameter values. The file should have table names corresponding to the name of parameters to be loaded. Each table must have columns corresponding to the coordinates of the expert locations and the values of the parameter. Default is None, in which case param_dict should be specified.

  • "param_names": The name of parameters to be loaded in. e.g. param_names = ["lengthscale"]. If None, it will load all parameters found in file. Default is None.

  • "table_suffix": The suffix attached to parameter name in the keys of the HDFStore, used to specify which version of the parameter to use. For instance, the original lengthscale hyperparameter might be stored under the table lengthscale and the smoothed out lengthscale might be stored under lengthscale_SMOOTHED. Then, to load in the smoothed lengthscale, we set table_suffix = "_SMOOTHED". Default is "" (i.e. no suffix).

  • "param_dict": Instead of loading parameters from a file, we can alternatively specify a dictionary with fixed hyperparameter name-value pairs that will be used to instantiate every local expert models. e.g. param_dict = {"lengthscale" : 1.0}

optim_kwargs: dict, optional

Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the optimise_parameters method in the model (see GPSat.models.BaseGPRModel). The keyword arguments will vary depending on the model and the user is required to check the arguments required to run the optimise_parameters method for their model of choice.

pred_kwargs: dict, optional

Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the predict method in the oi_model (see GPSat.models.BaseGPRModel). The keyword arguments will vary depending on the model and the user is required to check the arguments in the predict method for their model of choice.

params_to_store: “all” or list of str, default “all”.

Specify a list of names of model parameters that the user wishes to store in the results file. Set to "all" by default, which will store all parameters defining the model. Alternatively, one can explicitly specify a subset of parameters to store in order to save memory, as storing all parameters for all local expert models can get quite heavy.

Expert location configuration

class GPSat.config_dataclasses.ExpertLocsConfig(source: str | DataFrame | dict | None = None, where: dict | List[dict] | None = None, add_data_to_col: dict | None = None, col_funcs: Dict[str, dict] | None = None, col_select: List[str] | None = None, row_select: List[dict] | None = None, reset_index: bool = False, source_kwargs: dict | None = None, verbose: bool = False, sort_by: str | List[str] | None = None, df: DataFrame | None = None, file: str | None = None, keep_cols: bool | None = None)

Bases: object

This dataclass provides the configuration for the locations of the local experts. The attributes of this class are just the arguments passed to the GPSat.LocalExpertOI.set_expert_locations method.

source: str or pandas dataframe

Specify a pandas dataframe or a path to a file containing the coordinate readings of the local expert locations. If specifying by a file, the file should contain tabular data (e.g. a csv or netcdf file) whose columns include the xy-coordinates of the expert locs.

where: dict or list of dict, optional

Used when querying a subset of data from pd.HDFStore, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataSet, xr.DataArray. Each dictionary should contain the following keys:

  • "col": refers to a column (or variable for xarray objects)

  • "comp": type of comparison to apply e.g. "==", "!=", ">=", ">", "<=" or "<"

  • "val": value to compare with

and uses the same data selection API as DataConfig.local_select.

For example,

where = [{"col": "A", "comp": ">=", "val": 0}]

will select entries where the columns "A" is greater than 0. Think of this as a database query, used to read data from the file system into memory.

add_data_to_col: dict, optional

Used if we want to add an extra column to the table with constant values (e.g. the date of expert locs). This should be specified as a dictionary with variable name-value pairs to be added to the table. e.g.

add_data_to_col = {"A": 10.0}

will append a column "A" to the table with constant value 10.0.

col_funcs: dict of dict, optional

Used to add or modify columns in the source table. Specified as a dict of dict, whose outer dictionary has column names to add/modify as keys, and the inner dictionary should have the following keys:

  • "func": A python lambda function written as a string that specifies how to modify a column or if adding a column, how to use existing columns to generate a new column.

  • "col_args": The column name used as arguments to the lambda function. This should be a str or list of str if multiple arguments are used.

For example,

col_funcs = {"A" : {"func": "lambda x: x+1", "col_args": "A"},
             "B" : {"func": "lambda x: 2*x", "col_args": "A"}}}


  1. modify column "A" by incrementing the original values by 1, and

  2. modify/add column "B" by doubling the original values in "A".

col_select: list of str, optional

This is the same as col_select in GPSat.config_dataclasses.DataConfig. Possibly redundant?

row_select: list of dict, optional

This is the same as row_select in GPSat.config_dataclasses.DataConfig. Possibly redundant?

reset_index: bool, default False.

If True, the index of the output dataframe will be reset.

source_kwargs: dict, optional

Set if it requires additional keyword arguments to read data from source file. (e.g. keyword arguments passed to pd.read_csv, pd.HDFStore or xr.open_dataset)

verbose: bool, default False.

Boolean to set verbosity. True for verbose, False otherwise.

sort_by: str | list of str | None, default None.

Column name to sort rows by. This is passed to pd.DataFrame.sort_values.

Prediction location configuration

class GPSat.config_dataclasses.PredictionLocsConfig(method: Literal['expert_loc', 'from_dataframe', 'from_source'] = 'expert_loc', coords_col: List[str] | None = None, df: DataFrame | dict | None = None, df_file: str | None = None, max_dist: int | float | None = None, load_kwargs: dict | None = None, X_out: str | None = None)

Bases: object

This dataclass provides the configuration for the prediction locations. The attributes of this class are the arguments passed to the GPSat.prediction_locations.PredictionLocations class.

method: “expert_loc” or “from_dataframe” or “from_source”, default “expert_loc”

Select prediction location specification method. The options are:

  • "expert_loc": Use the expert locations as prediction locations.

  • "from_dataframe": Specify prediction locations from a pandas dataframe or a CSV file.

  • "from_source": Use locations from other sources such as a netcdf or a HDF5 file.

coords_col: list of str or None, default None

The column names used to specify location coordinates. If None, it will use the same coords_col in DataConfig.

df: pandas dataframe or None, default None

Used if method = "from_dataframe". Specify the dataframe to be used for prediction locations. If None, then df_file should be specified.

df_file: str or None, default None

Used if method = "from_dataframe". Specify path to the CSV file containing the prediction locations. If None, then df should be specified.

max_dist: int or float

Set the inference radius i.e. the radius centered at the expert location where predictions are made.

load_kwargs: dict, optional

Used if method = "from_source" to specify keyword arguments to be passed to GPSat.dataloader.DataLoader.load in order to load prediction location data from source.

Run configuration

class GPSat.config_dataclasses.RunConfig(store_path: str, store_every: int = 10, check_config_compatible: bool = True, skip_valid_checks_on: ~typing.List[int] | None = <factory>, optimise: bool = True, predict: bool = True, min_obs: int = 3, table_suffix: str = '')

Bases: object

Configuration for arguments passed to

store_path: str

File path where results should be stored as a HDF5 file.

store_every: int, default 10

Results will be store to a file after every store_every iterations. Reduce if optimisation is slow. Must be greater than 1.

check_config_compatible: bool, default True

Check if the current LocalExpertOI configuration is compatible with previous run, if applicable. If a file exists in store_path, it will check the "oi_config" attribute in the "oi_config" table to ensure configurations are compatible.

skip_valid_checks_on: list, optional

When checking if configurations are compatible, skip keys specified in this list.

optimise: bool, default True

If True, it will run model.optimise_parameters().

predict: bool, default True.

If True, will run model.predict().

min_obs: int, default 3

Minimum number observations required to run optimisation or make predictions.

table_suffix: str, default “”

Suffix to be applied to all table names when writing to file.

Experiment configuration

class GPSat.config_dataclasses.ExperimentConfig(data_config: DataConfig, model_config: ModelConfig, expert_locs_config: ExpertLocsConfig, prediction_locs_config: PredictionLocsConfig, run_config: RunConfig, comment: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Total configuration for a GPSat experiment. Must contain the following four configs:

  1. Data (DataConfig)

  2. Model (ModelConfig)

  3. Local expert locations (ExpertLocsConfig)

  4. Prediction locations (PredictionLocsConfig)

Additionally, we also require a run configuration class (RunConfig). Every experiment in GPSat is fully determined by these five configurations. To document experiments, one can also add a description string to comment.

data_config: DataConfig
model_config: ModelConfig
expert_locs_config: ExpertLocsConfig
prediction_locs_config: PredictionLocsConfig
run_config: RunConfig
comment: str, optional


We change attribute names when converting to/from json for backward compatibility. In particular, the following naming changes are made automatically:

  • "data_config" <–> "data"

  • "model_config" <–> "model"

  • "expert_loc_config" <–> "locations"

  • "prediction_locs_config" <–> "pred_loc"

  • "run_config" <–> "run_kwargs"